5 Credit and Licence

5.1 Licence

I've decided to release DTC under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENCE (LGPL). Feel free to download, use, and modify my source code, but never release a commercial product with it !

The reason why I've decided to release DTC under GPL is because I have no intention to make money with DTC. More over, I use only free software, and I think it is normal to participate to the free software community if I use that kind of software. The only thing I'd like from you is at least a hello telling you are enjoying DTC (drop me a message in my mail, or go on IRCnet in #dtc-dev...).

Make yourself free: give your source code to the earth ! GP1152313374U

5.2 Credits

I (Thomas Goirand) was the only programmer for that. This tool was made because I was tired of spending 15 minutes on each web account we had to configure. Now DTC is not only a small tool for myself, but real software with features.

The tool by itself was not so hard to make, but what was hard, was to find out how to make all the software collection run all together, make the install script and have it all easy to use.

5.3 Greets

I want here to thanks a lot the following people:

5.4 Contact

For any suggestion, or if you want to help me improving DTC don't hesitate to drop a message in my mailbox at the following address :

thomas [ at ] goirand.fr

The best way to support DTC development is to use GPLHost hosting services. If you are looking for a good web hosting service, just use ours, powered with my DTC tool : fill up the form, enter your credit card information (safe and securly, at a very fair price, depending on your quota), and have fun with your account !

   _____       ____________            .         _____  s!   ____  ___|     .___
 _( ___/______(____     /  |______|    |________(    /______(  _/__\___     ___/
|   \___   \_    |/    /   |\    \_    ___   \_    ___   \________   \|     |
|    |/     /    _____/    |/     /    |/     /    |/     /    |/     /     |
|___________\    |    |__________/|____|     /|___________\___________\ GPL |
             `   |                    /_____/                         | HOST.
If you are developing hosting tools under GPL, please contact me, I may be able to help you like others did for me.